¿Por qué se cae el cabello después del parto? | Why Hair Loss Postpartum ?
Una queja constante entre las mujeres que recién experimentan la maternidad, es la caída de cabello en el periodo inicial de lactancia materna, inmediatamente después del nacimiento del bebe.
Este cuadro se llama Eflúvio telógeno gravídico. Se trata de una inflamación aguda de los folículos capilares, común en este momento de la vida y puede surgir por dos grandes motivos.
1️⃣El ciclo de crecimiento del cabello está influenciado por hormonas, durante el embarazo hay una disminución súbita en la concentración de algunas hormonas y al mismo tiempo aumentan las hormonas femeninos, como la progesterona y el estrógeno. Solo que después del parto se detiene el aumento y caen bruscamente, demorando alrededor de tres meses en regresar a la normalidad.
2️⃣Otra razón importante, en el caso de las madres que pasaron por una cesárea, es el estres quirúrgico, una reacción que ocurre en todo tipo de procedimiento invasivo. También puede ocurrir por anemia proveniente de sangrados eventuales durante el nacimiento, alteraciones de la tiroides y enfermedades autoinmunes.
Normalmente, notamos la caída en la parte frontal y temporal de implantación del cabello, donde aparecen cabellos más cortos, asociados a la caída de cabello en otras regiones de la cabeza.
Si estás pasando por esto, debes entender que el efluvio telógeno gravídico no es una enfermedad, la caída excesiva del cabello es porque el ciclo de capilar está volviendo a la normalidad. No hay un tratamiento específico, pero dormir bien, mantener una dieta equilibrada y usar productos adecuados control caída y crecimiento, son claves para retornar nuestro cabello al ciclo normal.
Si la caída se mantiene por más de 8 meses, es importante consultar un especialista
What is Eflúvio telógeno gravídico?
Eflúvio telógeno gravídico is a common condition among women who have recently experienced motherhood. It refers to the acute inflammation of hair follicles that occurs in the initial period of breastfeeding, immediately after childbirth.
What causes Eflúvio telógeno gravídico?
There are two main reasons why this condition may arise:
Hormonal Changes:
The hair growth cycle is influenced by hormones, and during pregnancy, there is a sudden decrease in the concentration of certain hormones. At the same time, female hormones such as progesterone and estrogen increase. However, after childbirth, the increase stops abruptly, causing a rapid decline in hormone levels. This hormonal imbalance can lead to hair loss, which typically occurs around three months after giving birth.
Physical Stress:
Giving birth and the subsequent demands of caring for a newborn can put significant physical stress on a woman's body. This physical stress can also contribute to hair loss during the postpartum period.
Managing Postpartum Hair Loss:
While postpartum hair loss can be distressing, it is usually temporary and resolves on its own. However, there are some steps women can take to manage and minimize hair loss during this period:
1. Eat a Balanced Diet:
Ensure you are consuming a nutritious diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins. This will support healthy hair growth and overall well-being.
2. Avoid Excessive Heat and Styling:
Limit the use of heat styling tools and harsh chemical treatments, as they can further weaken the hair and contribute to breakage.
3. Be Gentle with Your Hair:
Avoid pulling or tugging at your hair, and use a wide-toothed comb or a brush with soft bristles to prevent unnecessary hair breakage.
4. Consider Supplements:
Consult with your healthcare provider about the possibility of taking supplements that promote hair health, such as biotin or vitamin D.
5. Practice Stress Management:
Find healthy ways to manage stress, such as engaging in regular exercise, practicing relaxation techniques, or seeking support from loved ones.
Eflúvio telógeno gravídico, or postpartum hair loss, is a common concern among women after giving birth. It is primarily caused by hormonal changes and physical stress. While it can be distressing, it is usually temporary and resolves naturally. By following a healthy lifestyle and taking care of your hair, you can minimize the impact of postpartum hair loss and promote regrowth.